Women in prostitution live a life few understand. It is definitely NOT what the media has portrayed it to be.
 Annie Lobert is an expert on the subject mostly because she lived that life for 16 years. After a near death experience, 
she made a promise to do what ever she could to help women escape that life and find true hope for a better one. 
Since then, Annie has established a non-profit organization called  "Hookers For Jesus" and opened a safe home
called "Destiny House" for prostitutes who truly are ready to escape their "traffickers." I have been honored
 to be a part of this organization. I have truly seen lives changed. As I learned more about these women and what they
 have gone through, I realized that they became victims. When you understand fully why they do what they do, 
you figure out that they are being 
sex trafficked."
Forced to sell themselves by a creature known as a "pimp." A pimp will lie to her, beat her, torture her to 
make her do what he wants. A pimp will make her believe that he loves her but say and do the same things to 
several other of his girls to keep them in their place. When she realizes what's happening to her and tries to escape,
 the pimp will come after her and may even murder her. Annie has lost several friends this way. Thankfully 
some have escaped but so many more are out there that don't know where to turn. These women are 
someone's daughters who have been missing for a long time. Some started young at the age of 10 years. 
It is a situation that is still growing in our country but is all over the world. We pass it off like a business. 
If we have any decency, we should at least realize that these women need our help. 
You can learn more by visiting  Help support rescuing these women from tyranny.

Sincerely, Oz Fox